Ān Shén Wholeness

Where East and West mingle to nourish heart, spirit, mind & body

About Us


Ān is a Chinese word that means “calm, peaceful.”

Shén means “spirit; god; supernatural, magical; mind.”

Appearing together, ān shén is described as quieting the spirit, calming the mind and the body.

It is our goal at Ān Shén Wholeness to provide safe harbor and nourishing experiences that will help you achieve ease in body, mind & spirit.  Optimal health in every aspect of our lives might best be described as a state of "wholeness," and we are driven by the passion to facilitate the process, so that each of our clients achieves the best quality of life possible.




Our founder, Donna, is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified PSYCH-K® Facilitator (Basic, Advanced, Professional, Health & Wellness).  She is also a graduate of the Masters of Oriental Medicine program at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (Chicago), and a doctoral student at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (San Diego).

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